The VCM course
VCM Course at a Glance
Course maps
Wiener Städtische Half Marathon
Powerade Relay Marathon
The Daily Mile Run 800
The Daily Mile Run 1600
Coca-Cola Inclusion Run
Relay handover areas
Field Separation Marathon | Half Marathon at KM 20.3
The marathon and the Wiener Städtische Half Marathon run on the same course. The separation of the fields takes place at KM 20.3 and is marked with announcement signs.
- Marathon and relay marathon runners: line up on the left and continue straight ahead - through the blue air arch of "Erste Bank".
- Half marathon runners: line up on the right, turn right into Bellariastraße - through the red air arch of "Wiener Städtische".
Switching from Marathon to Half Marathon
In all our planning, we assume that a person who registers for the marathon (42.195 km) will actually run the full marathon distance.
However, in exceptional cases, for example for health reasons, it is possible to switch from the marathon to the half marathon distance during the race. We ask everyone in the VCM community to use this option only in special situations and with consideration.
There will be no refund of the entry fee difference. Conversely, it is not possible to switch from the half marathon to the marathon.
Intermediate Times / Kilometer Markers
Official intermediate times are measured every five kilometers and at the half marathon. The kilometer markers are mostly positioned on the right side of the course, approximately 2 meters high.
42 km well fuelled - the VCM aid stations at a glance
Here you will find a complete overview of all the refreshment points, water stations and refreshment points that will be available at the start, along the course and at the finish. Please note that the positions listed here may change slightly due to traffic conditions.
- 400-450 people will be working for you at the refreshment stations.
- 50,000 litres of Powerade,
- 5,000 litres of Coca-Cola,
- 60,000 bananas and
- 35,000 apples are prepared and handed out.
Water for the refreshment stations along the route is obtained exclusively from hydrants (high spring water) in order to reduce plastic waste from drinks bottles.
The Powerade sports drink is made from powder on
site. Plastic packaging from drinks bottles is thus drastically reduced. Drinks from aluminium cans are generally not used.
Drinks are served in cups. In addition, 15 water points (some supervised by volunteers, some with taps (faucets) without staff) are distributed along the route. The water taps (several at each position) can be used for direct drinking, refreshment & cooling as well as for refilling your own bottle or drinking system.
The self-catering provided by the marathon runners at the start number distribution will be set up in the second position (after the refreshments for the elite runners).
Please make sure that you throw empty drinks cups into the containers provided. The Vienna Municipal Department 48 will set up "baffle walls" with painted targets so that you can also dispose of your cup while running. The
beverage cups are 100% recyclable.
KM 0
Start (water refreshment station)
KM 3,9
Kaiserallee (Höhe Konstantineck)
KM 4,8
Praterhauptallee vor Plateau Meiereistraße
KM 7,4
Schüttelstraße 33
KM 9,5
Stubenring (Ecke Weißkirchnerstraße)
KM 10,4
Kärntner Ring 16 (Ecke Dumbastraße)
KM 11,6
Linke Wienzeile 38 (Ecke Köstlergasse)
KM 12,5
Linke Wienzeile 106 (Ecke Hofmühlgasse)
KM 13,1
Linke Wienzeile 150 (Ecke Brückengasse)
KM 15,2
Linke Wienzeile
KM 15,5
Linke Wienzeile / Schönbrunn (for "starting" Relay-Marathon participants)
KM 17,8
Mariahilferstraße 154 (Ecke Rosinagasse)
KM 19,4
Innere Mariahilferstraße
KM 23,3
Alserbachstraße 13 (Ecke Liechtensteinstraße)
KM 24,1
Brigittenauer Lände / Wolfsaugasse (for "starting" Relay-Marathon participants)
KM 24,8
Obere Donaustraße
KM 26,3
Untere Donaustraße 17 (Höhe Aspernbrückengasse)
KM 27,5
Prater Hauptallee
KM 28,7
Kaiserallee (Höhe Konstantineck)
KM 29,4
Prater Hauptallee vor Plateau Meiereistraße
KM 30,9
Stadionbadparkplatz (für "weglaufende" Staffel-Marathon TeilnehmerInnen)
KM 31,6
Prater Hauptallee
KM 34,0
Prater Hauptallee
KM 37,5
KM 38,6
KM 39,6
Weißkirchnerstraße (Höhe MAK)
KM 40,8
Kärntner Ring 16 (Ecke Dumbastraße)
KM 42,195
First Aid
The Red Cross medical team is ready along the course to provide first aid services. If you see another runner experiencing difficulties, please inform the nearest Red Cross team or have a spectator call the emergency number 144.