Great atmosphere, fantastic motivation and many running enthusiasts: We look forward to seeing you at the 2nd VCM Winter Run on Sunday, 19 January, in Vienna!
We will be running the 5 km, 10 km, 15 km and half marathon distances.
>> Register here as long as starting places are available, no longer than Thursday, 16 January
As with the 1st VCM Winter Run, we will be using the fantastic grounds of the Rugby Union Donau Wien as our home base for the event!
A food truck from RAW Energy will be on site again with bowls and drinks. For VCM winter runners there is a 2,- Euro discount on site.
You can also pick up your race number in advance:
Where: Hervis Store Mariahilfer Straße 36
Friday, 17 January, 2-6pm
Saturday, 18 January, 10am-2pm
Get your number on Friday or Saturday! This way you avoid long queues in the morning on race day. There is also a 20% discount offer in the Hervis Store for participants in the VCM Winter Run.
To prepare for the 42nd Vienna City Marathon on 6 April 2025, for motivation, as a form boost and to meet friends: The VCM Winter Runs are the perfect opportunity.
And on 2 March, we will be organising your dress rehearsal for the Vienna City Marathon:
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Vienna Calling Half Marathon - Start Reichsbrücke
5 km & 10 km - Prater Hauptallee