On your 'Strausses', waltz, go! Shortly before the start of the Vienna City Marathon on 6 April 2025, the ‘Danube Waltz’ will get tens of thousands of runners going. Participants will not only get to hear the world-famous Strauss classic, recorded by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. They can and should also move and waltz to it!
Our goal: 2025 couples in three-four time.
Will we even break a world record in dancing at the Reichsbrücke?
Just talk to the next runner and turn together with the VCM community to the Strauss sounds. Improvisation & freestyle welcome! Together with Johann Strauss 2025 Wien, we will conjure up an incomparable atmosphere for the runners.
Exact information on location & time to follow.
At the VCM 2025 you will experience a rousing atmosphere on the 200th birthday of the Waltz King even after the start!
‘200 Johann Strausses’ will be running the marathon distance in a special jersey. For the youngest runners aged 3-6, there will be a new ‘Bat Run’ (Fledermauslauf) on Saturday, 5 April.
>> Find out more here!
The three-four time brings Strauss vibes to the VCM course at many points and makes the event a special experience: on the beautiful blue Danube and throughout Vienna.