Competitions of the 42nd Vienna City Marathon 2025

Experience unforgettable moments in Vienna!

Feel the joy of running at Austria's biggest sporting event.
Reichsbrücke, Ringstraße, mythical Hauptallee: experience the special spirit and become part of a unique running community.
We look forward to seeing you in the most liveable city in the world!
#VCM #TogetherWeRun

Sunday, April 6th 2025

April 6th 2025


Your marathon dream starts here! Run to the modern and classic highlights of Vienna and celebrate your finish in the heart of the city.

42.195 km ticket-1 from € 95,-
April 6th 2025


Exertion, pride, happiness: experience all the emotions and the impressive Viennese scenery on the half marathon distance.

21.0975 km ticket-1 from € 75,-
April 6th 2025

Powerade Relay marathon

Share the distance, increase the joy. Feel the team spirit in the relay together with family, friends and colleagues.

42.195 km
Show saturday

Saturday, April 5th 2025

Vienna 5K
April 5th 2025

Vienna 5K

Run, walk, stroll: once around the city centre on the Ringstrasse. "Exercise for everyone" on Vienna's historic boulevard.

5 km
Daily Mile 1600
April 5th 2025

The Daily Mile

Fast feet, great effort: children and young people experience the joy of running and the fun of competition.

1.6 km
Daily mile 800
April 5th 2025

The Daily Mile

Clear the way for the youngest 3-10 year olds! A rousing atmosphere and beaming faces. Hearts beat especially high here!

800 m
Coca Cola Inklusin Run
April 5th 2025

Inclusion Run

"Together" and without barriers! The Coca-Cola Inclusion Run stands for community, inclusion and the pure joy of movement.

800 m

Get ready for the race!

Shirts, caps & more - you'll find everything you need for your run in our online shop!